Our Team

Principal Investigator
Michigan State University
Joe directs the CREATE for STEM Institute and is the Lappan-Phillips Professor of Science Education. His research focuses on reforming science teaching to promote engagement and learning of science through project-based learning.

Principal Investigator
MSU College of Education
Namsoo is an Associate Professor in the Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology & Special Education (CEPSE) and a faculty associate in the CREATE for STEM Institute.

College of Education
Peng He is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology & Special Education (CEPSE), and a faculty associate in the CREATE for STEM Institute.

College of Engineering
Parisa is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering.

Department of Engineering
Jiliang is a Foundation Professor of Computer Sciences and Engineering.
College of Engineering
Sangeetha is a graduate student in Computer Science, Department of Statistics & Probability